

                                                         “ I’M A REGULAR GUY”

Hi, my name is Stephano.  It’s a pleasure having this opportunity to introduce myself.  I’m thrilled by the idea of getting your letter, sharing some laughs and establishing a friendship.  Let your curiosity get the best of you and take some time getting to know me.  You’ll find I’m a regular guy. 

 I like laughing, a large part of the time it’s at myself.  Laughter has not spoiled me through my 16.5 years of hard time.  It has kept me young at heart. I like domestic trucks, beer, and food.  I like hamburgers and fries, steak and potatoes, regular coffee, and water from the tap. 

I was born and raised in Chicago, but I’m a country boy at heart.  I like the smell of fresh mountain air, bacon cooking, exhaust and freshly cleaned babies.  I remember how soft, fresh, and clean my son smelled after a bath when he was a baby. I like watching pro-football, hockey, basketball, ultimate fighting, bull riding, and the x-games.  I love the action.

I am guilty of my crime.  I am remorseful for doing it.  I like that I’ve worked hard to develop morals, integrity, and old fashion work ethics.  I will live an up-standing life when I’m released from prison. I think Sunday should be centered around God, family and friends, and football.  I like opening doors for a woman, respecting my elders, and saying:  “Thank You” , when  someone does something kind.

I dislike people who cause other people harm just for kicks.  I’m occasionally confused about sex, but never sexually confused.  I believe you should always be proud of your country, but not necessarily your government.   I like people who are honest, even when they tell me things I don’t want to hear.

I miss everything Armani, family fishing trips, nature, dancing, a lover’s touch and my grand parents ….rest in peace.

I try not to be jealous of those who have more than I do and I don’t put down those who have less.  I like Phil Collins, Stevie Nicks, Jones Addiction, Nickel Back, young country boy – Elvis, Willie Nelson, Hank Sr.  & Jr., Sublime, R. Kelly, Alicia Keys, Jay Z. and Fabulous.  I don’t think it would be odd listening to them all in the same day.

I like camping, hiking, fishing, water -skiing, mountain biking, rock climbing, horse back riding and motorcycling.  Concerts and live theater are also things I enjoy.   In Prison I play football, softball, soccer, handball and poker.  I enjoy reading many genre, but horror is my favorite, especially Anne Rice.  I also run and work out daily.

I believe I’ve come a long way, but still have a lifetime of work ahead of me.  I believe I’ll achieve two of my goals one day.  The first one is owning and operating my own mobile document shredding business.  The second is building my dream log-home on some lake front property.  I believe I’m a solid leader with emotional depth, fresh ideas, and good intensions.

As you can see I’m a regular guy who is looking for a friend who is adventurous, fun, genuine, open-minded, young at heart, caring and kind.  No matter your age or   race you can write me and introduce yourself.  Lets become friends.  Picture me, a regular guy, smiling ear to ear as they hand me your letter at mail call.  Make that (smile) a reality for me.  My best wishes to you and those you love.

Date of Birth: 1/31/69

Stephano D’Andrea  #86073
C.C.C. F.
 6564 State Hwy. 96
Olney Springs, CO.  81096 USA