


My name is Alec Blake Franks.

My full name is Alec Blake Franks, known to most of my friends as just Alec Blake. I am 23, an even 6'4". and just shy of 190 poumds...and counting. My most noticeable feature would have to be my eyes. My left is blue , the other is green.

I have been known to laugh at the most inappropriate of times. This is probably why my graduating class ( 2015) voted me "Most likely to die laughing" (twice). I would much rather be known to laugh too often... then too little.

My life began in south Detroit, many , many, years ago. " You're only 23.." Well, to me that's a pretty long time. My biological parents were accidently given the wrong baby at the hospital, so I had to wait to be adaopted. Therefore, Michigan still owe's me at least 4 years of free college.

LIfe is basically 90% perspective, lol. All joking aside, I do plan on taking advantage of the college. Maybe somewhere in the field of business/sales.

During the brief two years before my incarceration at 19, I just about circled the country twice, selling items and fundraising for non-profits, by going door to door, buisiness to business. I really enjoyed doing that kind of thing, and hell, the money wasn't too bad either.

Life's most important cliche'..? Mhh..that would have to be : "Don't judge a book by it's cover!" As cheesy as it sounds, it's still pretty true. You might pass up one hell of a story, maybe even the best one...

I am single , also a Cancer, if you're into that kind of thing.

Easy going , even easier to get along with , and I am very, very optomistic.

Let's get to know each other.


Date of Birth : 7/12/97

Alec Blake Franks #294209
K.S.P. ( 5 cell house A - 13 )
266 Water Street 
Eddyville, KY. 42038 USA